Saturday, May 8, 2010

There Will Come a Day

Been a while since I lated posted.  Very busy around here these days. Here's a round-up of our lives since my last entry:
We've had three birthday celebrations in rapid succession,
Resurrection Celebration,
driving to the Mountains ever other week to pick my boys,
death of our beloved Misty the Cat,
practice for our upcoming Preschool Graduation,
yard sale-ing,
praying for family and friends with health issues,
Making my own Laundry soap,
Learning about proper nutrition to help my psoriasis,
I Walked for Lupus--5K!,
Homeschool group end of year Fellowship,
National Day of Prayer,
fighting allergies, naturually
and now Mother's Day. 

Each of these events have their own stories, not sure if I'll ever catch up on them though!

Today, I'm sitting in my shady backyard, listening to some baby birds in the woods, watching the wind dance across the tree-tops, feeling the cool breeze on my bare feet, drinking coffee and smelling honeysuckle with which I have a love-hate relationship. Love the smell--hate the allergies! I actually just saw our first Indigo Bunting at the feeder!!!

I'm also reading my Bible, preparing for our Sunday school lesson tomorrow. Haggai. Read it before, but each time I see something new. Its a quick read, only two chapters. 

Haggai tells the people of God to turn from building their own wealth and security and to focus on rebuilding the Temple of God as they were instructed fifteen years earlier.

The people obey and worship God in earnest. The LORD then sparks their enthusiasm and they begin work on the new Temple. He assures them that although this new Temple now pales in comparison to the original, there will come a day when the future glory of this Temple will be greater than its past glory. In this place God promises to bring peace. 

The Lord finishes with more assurance that He is God, He reigns over all the nations and He will honor his chosen people. 

And this is exactly what God did! Jesus is the Temple, He brings Peace to His people, His glory is greater than any earthly temple. Because of what Jesus did, we have peace with God, an eternal Sabbath. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of God resides in His people!

My prayer is that the people of God will hear and obey the Word of the Lord. That God will spark the enthusiasm of His people to walk in a manner which is pleasing in His sight, to bring honor and glory to His Name. That we would rest assured knowing that God is in control, over all nations, over all men and one day we will see Him face to face!

Read it for yourself. I pray you too will be encouraged!

This song captures my thoughts perfectly:
(Turn off the Playlist Music Player beofre watching)