Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Woods Were My Ritalin

"Now, my tree-climbing days long behind me, I often think about the lasting value of those early, deliciously idle days. I have come to appreciate the long view afforded by those treetops. The woods were my Ritalin. Nature calmed me, focused me, and yet excited my senses."

Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods

Thursday, March 18, 2010

In His Element-Day 4

Lots of changes in preschool recently.  Last week I said farewell to three of my TUES/THURS regulars. One moved to Florida; two brothers moved back to Oregon.  Parting mid-year is always sad for me. 

Welcoming new students mid-year is always a challenge.  Making new friends and learning new routines is as challenging for the children as getting to know a new student, teaching a them a new routine and getting them up to speed on our class habits is for the teacher.

Two weeks ago, I added a new student and another teacher added 2 more new students. Due to absences today, we had to combine my class with hers.  

By mid-year, my class is well-aqauinted with our Nature hikes, often bypassing the playgound going straight to the woods. 

As a mini-experiment, I took the two new students from the other class on their first Nature hike. I wanted to test their reaction.  Reticence, we would just walk in the grass.  But, no reticence so, we ventured inside the woods a few feet. 

They seemed to be in their element.  Intially, they held my hand, then walked independently at a safe distance from me. 

Curiously, they felt the tree trunks, stopped to look at a wild fern, picked up sticks and found a rock that was cold to the touch.  

They laughed and clapped when we "found our way out" then, ran to tell the other children and invite them BACK into the woods. 

They happily and quickly followed. Soon, all were climbing upon fallen trees pretending to be squirrels and spiders and birds. 

Pure Joy!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Being Out There-Day 3

Today at preschool we again spent nearly the entire day OUTSIDE!

Three more Tie-dyed T-shirts.

Some of the children, dressed up as Kings, Queens and Super-Heroes, came outside. Imaginations were running in high gear as the royal subjects pretended to fly about.

MUCH fun was had by all romping, rolling and running free about the backyard.

Later on, we went on a Shamrock hunt. The children discovered a whole hillside covered in tiny clover!!

And now I have a great, big, beautiful bouquet of Shamrocks on my window sill!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ordinary Day, Extraordinary

 Just an ordinary day. A trip to the doctor with my Grandmother-in Love. Procedure postponed, new procedures, different ones, scheduled. Waiting, waiting.

Then, too early for lunch, an extraordinary visit to  First Presbyterian's Memorial Gardens in Concord. to sneak a peak at the promise of Spring.

Hyacinths, Daffodils, Pansies, Johnny Jump-Ups, Grape Hyacinth sprouts, Star Magnolias, huge Pink Perfections, many buds waiting to burst at just the right moment!!   Tulips nor Azaeleas not blooming, but sprouts and buds EVERYWHERE!

"Just wait a little longer," they speak. This demands another visit.

All hearlding the end of a long, cold, wet winter and the coming of new life, new hopes, new plans....everything new!

Everything has a name; but I have much to learn.   So many I don't know.  Just like meeting new friends, remembering their names is a sign of respect. I will research! Lots of new friends to meet!

Against the gray backdrop of the day, the colors were stunning: Pinks, Yellows, Purples, Oranges:  Candy for the eyes, perfume for the nose!!  Refreshement for the spirit.

Ambling along the historic streets, we wandered into a coffee shop that boasts the self-proclaimed "Best Coffee in Town." I won't disagree. And great paninni's too!!

An ordinary day, became extraordinary. Precious TIME spent with a great story-teller/conversationalist, enjoying each others company and God's beautiful creation!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Be Out There - National Wildlife Federation

This is it!!! Be Out There Week. March 15-21. What a great way to welcome Spring!

Today in preschool, we spent 3 out of 4 hours outside.

First, we made Tied-Dyed T-shirts. We plan to wear our own artwork when we visit the Mint Museuem of Art in April.

Then, we took a nice long Nature Walk. Sniffing around, we realized the smell of the woods has changed. New life is growing!

We climbed trees, swung on a vine, dug in the sand by the stream and went fishing.

We read a story on the bridge about the Swaggering Crow, who made an appearance for us in our very own woods!!

While hiking back to school, we heard lots of birds, saw several Robins and spied one Downy Woodpecker right over our heads.

Today would've been a perfect picnic day, but we didn't have our lunches. No worries, we'll try it again next time!!

Be Out There - National Wildlife Federation

Glenn Beck, Social Justice, and the Limits of Public Discourse - AlbertMohler.com

Thanks to my friend, Kelly, for originally sharing this article with me.

Glenn Beck, Social Justice, and the Limits of Public Discourse - AlbertMohler.com

Friday, March 12, 2010

Weather :: When Will the Snow End? :: Farmers' Almanac

Thunder & Lightning here tonight.

Thunderstorm in winter, according to our local weatherman, = snow ten days later.

And with what the Farmer's Almanac says, he may just be right:

Weather :: When Will the Snow End? :: Farmers' Almanac

Saturday, March 6, 2010