Saturday, December 19, 2009


Unless you want to be inspried or rather compelled to cook and bake!

I just got around to watching this movie last night.  It was so good!  Afterward I hunted around on my favorite book site to see if I could swap a copy of Julia's book (no luck, yet).  I even found Julie's blog and read the first week.  Quite good, and added to my already too long list of blogs to read.

Wayne's out of town, so I went to bed late after some reading (trying to finish The Bird's Christmas Carol  before its due back at the library).

Everything was going just fine this morning.  I woke up to my purring alarm clock who does't care if its Saturday nor that I went to bed late.  Came downstairs, fed my alarm clock, poured a hot cup of coffee with vanilla cinnamon cream and sat down to check facebook.  Drove my girl for work at 8 AM. Came home.

This is where things get a bit foggy for me now.  I intended to warm up Laurin's leftover full cup of coffee, but I'm not sure what happened next.  All I know is that the cup of coffee remains on the counter FIVE hours later, because somehow instead of opening the microwave door, something possessed me to open the pantry door, pull out all my baking stuff....powdered sugar, chocolate chips, corn syrup, peppermint chips, oyster crackers, ranch mix, flour, sugar, salt, dry active yeast and oatmeal. 

I didn't even know I had all that stuff in my pantry!

I just started baking like a fiend, which led also to cooking. 

Now mind you, I LOVE to cook, but, I must confess, baking is just not my thing.  My family won't eat biscuits I make, because you could use them to build a house that even the Big Bad Wolf can't blow over. And last year's fudge could have served as the mortar.  Plus, I find it a bit messy, with flour and sugar dust flying around and sticky pots and utensils that are hard to wash.  As a general rule I stay away from baking.

Today was different. I was relentless in my pursuit to use up all my baking ingredients that I buy with the best of intentions but never manage to get around to using.  And NOW I have all these yummy concotions and I'm not quite sure who I'm giving them to!

While I was on a roll, I figured I'd prepare the chicken stock for my Grandmother's delicious Christmas Day Chicken Soup by boiling a leftover carcass from a roast chicken.  I've NEVER done that before!! What in the world came over me? I feel Julia today!!!

So, thanks to Julia I baked up a storm and thanks to Julie I just had to blog about it!

Here's the proof:

1 comment:

  1. I love that movie! I already got a Julie and Julia apron. I should blog about that.........from Evan's girlfriend. AND I found some duck ( fillets) to have towards the New Year!! GREAT blog.
