Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Advice

We're having Thanksgiving at my house this year. Wayne's grandmother and a childhood friend of mine and her family are coming.

Now, I absolutely LOVE having people over! But, I confess, we (Wayne is not afraid to brandish a mop!) often scour my house top to bottom each time making it feel more like a museum than a home.

Plus, Wayne's grandmother is a wonderful housekeeper and I fall very short of her standard! (Or that's how I feel!) And my friend, who lives in Tennessee, has never been to my home, so naturally I want my house to look fabulous!!!

For days now, I've been looking around my house and stressing thinking and making mental checklists of everything I want to get done. While I do try to keep the house clean each day (operative word: TRY), I still think: "I'll never get this house looking right!!"

Oh, the pressure!!!!

But after reading this article, I think I'll just let that go. Having people I love in my home is more important than showing off what a great housekeeper I am (or not!).
How To Quickly Get Your Home Ready For Guests Keeper of the Home

Hope you'll enjoy the company and the time with your loved ones this Thanksgiving. Time is a gift. Spend it well. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope you got all cleaned up and Thanksgiving was wonderful. I'm sure just the smells in the house from cooking! Our water is off from some workmen down the street. Hopefully they will have it fixed tonight! to clean up a Thanksgiving dinner without water ?!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Good link . I found her garlic planting.
